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“I would absolutely recommend FCA to anyone thinking of fostering, it’s like one extended family”
Foster Parents
Meet FCA foster parent, Vanessa, who has been fostering for nearly a decade looking after a range of children from five up to supporting young adults into independence. She shares the support she’s received through FCA, and the positive impact fostering has had on her life.

“I do lots of things with the children that I probably wouldn’t have done if I wasn’t fostering – they’ve enriched my life massively.”
Foster Parents
A single carer, Alison has been fostering with FCA Midlands since 2017. She shares how fostering has enriched her life, and the little things that have made a big difference.

Parveen and Imraz, our first year of fostering.
Foster Parents
“When you start to see the positive impact you are making to children’s lives you will get such a warm feeling that cannot be described.” Meet Parveen and Imraz as they reflect on their first year of fostering with FCA Midlands.

“I thoroughly enjoy fostering, I just can’t imagine doing anything else.”
Foster Parents
This year Linda and Derek from FCA Midlands celebrate an astonishing 25 years fostering with FCA. Here they look back over their momentous fostering journey.

“I wouldn’t have my children today if it wasn’t for FCA.”
Foster Parents
Meet Michelle, a foster parent from FCA Midlands who has devoted the last 15 years to fostering. She shares her incredible story of life with her 14 children.