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Yorks and Lincs children and young people

Yorks and Lincs children and young people write to elderly residents with letters and pictures during isolation

November 7 2020 - 5 min read

During these unprecedented times many people are missing human connection, time with their family, friends and loved ones. Children and young people from our FCA Yorks and Lincs region were asked to write letters or draw pictures for elderly residents from the Beach House Residential Care Home Social Project.  Helping provide elderly residents with some comfort and also to spread happiness during their time in isolation.  We are sharing a couple of the pictures and letters written.

A letter from Courtney (aged 18)

Hello, my name is Courtney. Just so that you can get a visual on how I look I am going to describe myself; I am an eighteen-year-old girl who is five foot tall with long dark hair and brown eyes, I usually wear jeans and a hoodie.
I am going to tell you a little bit about my past and how I became who I am today. I used to live in an abusive home, the abuse came from my parents and one, out of 2, of my siblings. In November 2008 I was moved into foster care where I met my foster parents, Sally and Stuart. I will admit that I wasn’t the easiest child to look after as I caused many issues for Sally and Stuart to fix. They never gave up on me however and they taught me right and wrong, they helped me find what I loved to do. In 2012 they adopted me and made me officially part of their family, and they made me who I am today.

My adoptive parents have helped me with my education, I have now completed; Primary school, Secondary school and now I have just completed college. My next step is a university course or an apprenticeship with the police. My hopes are to become a police officer and help people.  In my spare time I like to go to the cinema with Stuart, go ice skating with my friends and I like to go on long walks in the woods. I have a dog called Dipsy, she is very daft and is a mix between a Staffy and Alsatian, and I take her for long walks as it gets her exercise while I am doing something I love.  Recently my parents re-fostered and now I have a foster little brother, called A. He is a ten-year-old boy that is very funny and I get along with him very well. He comes on the walks with me and we often play video games together. I am introducing him to many different activities that he has never done before. After this Covid-19 problem has gone away I will be taking him to the beach as he has never been on sand or swam in the sea.  I am classed as a key worker as I work in a DIY shop and the products we sell are essential, this means that I am lucky enough to get out the house and talk to other people, even if I am doing hard work at the same time.  I cannot wait until the lock-down is lifted so that I can enjoy the sun while it is out and spend time with both my family and friends together.
I hope that this letter has improved your day, thank you for reading this.

Hope you remain well,

A letter and picture from Ash (aged 10)

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