FCA Yorks and Lincs recently held their Annual Staff and Carer Forum. This is the only opportunity where the whole region of foster parents and staff can come together in a learning environment. This year the focus was on the importance of life story work and its contribution to children and young people’s identity and culture.
Vanessa Wilkin gave a very informative presentation on life story work and was supported by one of our care experienced adults, Billie who has this year become a qualified social worker. Billie shared her experience of accessing her records and how the way these are written impacts on her sense of identity. Foster parents and staff were asked to consider the impact of transitions on children’s life story which was a very thought-provoking exercise that engaged everyone in discussion.
Ben Rhodes, another care experienced adult shared his history and the impact of shame. This was a very powerful and emotive account, that captivated us all and caused us all to think about how we work with our children and young people. I am always in awe of our guests, the bravery they show in sharing their experiences that helps motivate us to want to do better.

Whilst the day consisted of serious topics and at times ‘you could not hear a pin drop’, the speakers were so captivating, it was good to have the region together. Being a large region, it cannot be underestimated the challenge of presenting to such a large group. Our Carer Reps, Vivienne and Sharon provided an update following the National Forum and our social worker, Vanessa and our guest speakers all spoke of feeling proud to have been courageous and had a sense of achievement in speaking publicly to a large room in a supportive environment of learning.
It was indeed a great day!