We are so excited the Big Sing Off is back after a two year break.
Foster parents, staff, children and young people children from across FCA couldn’t wait to all get together in Peterborough for fun filled day of singing on Saturday 8th October. The Big Sing Off is the biggest and most prestigious event in our FCA events calendar. It is an unforgettable experience as we bring together choirs made up of our children, young people, foster parents and staff for a day of entertainment through music and song (think X Factor meets BBC Last Choir Standing!).
This year the theme for the Big Sing Off was ‘Love and Peace’.

A total of 10 choirs from across FCA and Fostering People took part in the competition, singing songs from The Beatles, Carpenters and Foo Fighters. Each choir selected a song which they felt reflected the chosen theme and performed to a crowd of over 300 people.
Our children really are at the heart of the event with a range of activities over lunchtime including a photo booth, a love and peace message wall, face painting, magician, chocolate fountain. Joint hosts FCA Yorks and Lincs and Eastern were involved in the planning and children were tasked to work alongside the staff helping with co-presenting, providing the entertainment post lunch and selling raffle tickets to raise money for our chosen charity. The Big Sing Off logo was designed by children from the hosting regions.