FCA Midlands Management and Leadership Team Away Day

This month, our Midlands Management and Leadership Team came together for an away day to review quarter one of 2023/2024.

FCA Midlands Management and Leadership Team had an away day together where we reviewed quarter one of 2023/2024. This was a great opportunity to reflect on the good work that has happened during the quarter and to have clear focus for the following quarters.

We reviewed our Service Improvement Plan to ensure the region is continually developing to meet the needs of our children, foster parents and staff.

Highlights of the period between April and June include the Stable Homes Build on Love Consultation that took place with FCA children and the Department for Education; welcoming new children and six new foster parents to the service and three new staff members; and the launch of Transitioning to Secondary School workshops and information guides.

The next quarter we are looking forward to the summer holidays and our annual sports day, and holding the annual children’s achievements awards, prom style party in each local area in September.

If you live in the Midlands and are looking to learn more about fostering, then please do get in touch with our local team today.

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