Brighten your foster child’s bedroom

Cheap and cheerful ways to brighten your foster child’s bedroom

We are sharing four cheap and cheerful ways to brighten your foster child’s bedroom.

1. Print and hang wall art from your computer at home. You can even personalise it with your foster child’s name to make it really feel like their own room. An added bonus: it’s really cheap and easy to update if their tastes or interests change.

2.Create a chalkboard wallFun for everyone from toddlers to teens. Your foster child can express themselves and doodle away to their heart’s content. Use a magnetic paint so they can even stick up photos or postcards.

3.Wall stickers are easy to remove and update. They’re widely available in loads of colours and designs and will let you create a different feel in a neutral room, ideal to make a child’s room feel like their room

4.Frame their pictures. This is a lovely project to do with your foster child that encourages them to unleash their creativity and celebrate their masterpieces!

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